“Looksmaxxing” means enhancing your physical appearance the most you can (in a healthy way, of course). It means working on your appearance in the best way possible to become a catch. What are your best tips, maybe not so obvious ones?

  1. Moisturize+exfoliate. My razor burns/bumps have gone away a lot faster now that I do proper skincare semi-consistently.

  2. Hair style. A different haircut, maybe with a hair product, can completely transform how you look.

  3. – get 8 hours of sleep
    – eat healthy. Less sugar, less saturated fat, less salt, less fast food (not only you will look better, your mood will dramatically improve)
    – personal hygiene (shower everyday, clip nails once a week, trim or shave on time, pluck your eyebrows)
    – get a nice haircut (this is the most cheat code like helper there is)
    – spend 10 minutes in the mirror fixing yourself before leaving the house
    – spend 1/2k on a wardrobe (all you need is a couple of nice shirts, polos, pants, shoes)
    – work out (mixture of cardio to lose the belly fat and weight to gain muscle definition, girls especially over weight or insecure ones easily fall for a nice body)
    – find your confidence (it won’t matter if you have a nice boy, nice hair cut, nice out fit, if you’re not confident enough to give the vibe of Mr sexy. Get better at your job, your hobbies, learn what makes you happy and do it more. I easily get twice the attention from girls after I found my confidence)
    – smile more (everybody wants to be around happy people)
    – speak, text, and act like a man (no text slangs, no bad grammar in texting, no mumbling your words, keep eye contact, don’t walk like a sloth, don’t sit like a panda, etc)
    – good luck!! ☺️

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