What do you do when you feel like you don’t enjoy anything anymore?

  1. instrospection and brutal honestly to yourself, anwers the awkard questions about your feelings no matter how unconfortable that makes you feel and finally go to therapy helps

  2. Try to figure out if it’s my depression kicking my ass, or if I’ve just got stuck in a rut/started to get burnt out with my hobbies and free time, and need to switch it up by taking a break from the usual and bring something new and exciting into my life.

  3. Anhedonia is the inability to feel joy or pleasure. I’ve been experiencing this to a degree because of perimenopause. I do not know how to combat it except to make sure I’m moving, taking vitamins and trying to get fresh air.

  4. The sun can be pretty powerful for me. If I force myself to do something outside it’s usually a mood lifter. The hard part is getting out there

  5. I live near water, so I drive to the beach and sit for a while. I do this a lot and it always helps me.

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