Hiya, as a start I want to say I’ve tried doing most of the tips that people give when you talk about being ghosted. Things like: dont talk to much about yourself, ask interesting questions, talk about things they like etc. But it always ends in the same way. I talk to a girl for a day or so, they ask for my number or discord or whatever, I say 1 things (again nothing strange, offensive or highly oppionated, just something normal) and they either say nothing at all. Or they might respond once and then never again. Usually I let it go for a day or 2 and maybe make some joke about the situation, or talk about something else but they never respond. I already fucking suck at dating, I’m an introvert who has to do their absolute best to even come off as slightly intersting. But now I’m pretty sure I’m about as intersting as a pile of dirt. I also look average at best, trying to get fit but still skinny and am not wealthy. So yea, I suppose I wanted to just rant to a faceless group of people, sorry.

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