My friend Paul (24M) had a party at his house. Everyone was informed in the group chat beforehand that there’s going to be snacks and soda but no alcohol served because it’s out of Paul’s budget, and alcohol is really expensive in my country so this was completely understandable, so I prepared to take my own.
I didn’t see anyone else in the party have their own alcohol so I kept my own really down low. But I got caught by a girl I didn’t know, assumed someone’s plus one, who told Paul about it. Paul approached me about it, it became a whole scene and I was told to leave, and I did. I was only a little “buzzed” and completely fine walking home on my own. I thought we’d talk about it the next day, clear things up and then everything would be fine. Well, it’s been a week and Paul and a couple of other friends of mine that also were at the party have been leaving me on read and I was kicked out of the group chat. I tried to visit Paul at his house yesterday, but he wasn’t home and his roommate said from the window that Paul said not to let me in and Paul doesn’t want to see me because of what happened at the party.
Two other friends of mine, Frank (20M) and Matt (23M), who are still in the group chat are still cool with me. Frank even said he had a couple beers before the party himself so he thinks Paul completely overreacted. They suggested I just let it be for a little while and Paul and the others will probably get over it and realise they’re overreacting.
I don’t wanna wait it out, I miss my little group. I can’t reach the people mad at me through messages but I feel like it’s just going to escalate if I keep pushing to see Paul face to face. Frank and Matt are keeping up with the group chat for me but they’ve told me any reason for Paul’s extremely hostile reaction hasn’t come up in the group chat, besides ofc Paul and the other’s ghosting me because they’re mad that I “ruined the party”.
I don’t know what to do…

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