How do you deal with not having a father or having an absent one

  1. Realizing that becoming a man and being a man are influenced by an absent father to an extent. I was able to define and redefine what it meant to be a man when I didn’t have one to show me how, or influence my understanding of it. It did help to find men to look up to, usually teachers.

    That said, I dealt with it doing my best to understand him not being around wasn’t because I wasn’t enough or worthy. That was just my hand I was dealt. Oddly enough it had its benefits alongside its cons.

  2. Don’t know how old you are, but most of my friends’ dads really showed up for me when they knew my situation. Not in the way or intrusive, just available in different avenues.

    It won’t be in your face, but if you need an assist, you’ll have it. Up to you to ask.

  3. You know that’s a hard question. Dad’s gonna be a negative or positive or usually both, but do what your moral compass tells you to and look up to people that are humble kind and good people. I don’t know why the Denzel Washington comes to my mind, but if you ever need to chat, I’m here for you man.

  4. so my dad passed away when i was 5yo and i grown up with my grandparents, never really had a father figure my grandpa was more on the soft side, lack of confidence for sure.

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