A few months ago, I got pregnant with my boyfriend for the second time in a 3 month span. I’m young and not ready or able to have a child right now so had to undergo a second abortion as a result. The night I was going to take the pill, was also the night of my boyfriend’s best friends birthday party.

I was uninvited to this party as his friends had turned against me after a night my boyfriend had gotten together with them while we were arguing, and accused me of false things and was talking badly. As a result, they decided I was no good for him, didn’t support and I wasn’t welcome at the party – not that I could have gone anyways since I had to have my abortion to have it done on the weekend so I didn’t miss any work.

My boyfriend still went to the party that night even though I pleaded he stay home just this time and explain to them and hopefully his friends will understand. He thought it’s just wrong for him to miss and said he won’t stay too late. He left, I took my pill, and within 1 hour I was bleeding and cramps beyond relief. I was crying wincing in pain passing massive clots of blood. I was texting him keeping him updated and he would update me. It was getting late and I called him to head home and he made me feel super guilty, said his friends were bitching at him for leaving early etc.

He ended up leaving at like 11:30pm and was home just after midnight. Couple days later, his friends messaged him saying the sister of his best friends girlfriend had mentioned my boyfriend made her feel uncomfortable and was hitting on her…. His friends were initially upset like keep it out of “family” flirt with anyone else. He acted totally confused and said he didn’t do anything, this girl is crazy. He blamed it on the girls history of drug use and said she’s not mentally stable and made it all up.

I never talked to this girl or even the friends who were also at the party and must’ve observed something. I reached out to the girl and she ignored my message. I’m completely torn and don’t know what to believe and for feels wrong to think this accusations was complete delusion and had no basis. What hurts me the most is knowing something went on that night that crossed a boundary (the girls and our relationships) all the while he made me feel guilty for wanting him to stay home, all the while I was dying in pain alone.

He knows how I feel about it but doesn’t really seem remorseful or even take any accountability. He says he didn’t flirt or cheat but I have two complete opposite stories and would be an idiot to believe either side. Is my only choice to leave believing the worst or stay believing the best? How do we overcome this break of trust and love?

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