3 weeks ago my ex 25f broke up with me 29m because she said she was struggling with her mental health and getting a new job and didn’t think she could continue being in a relationship with me without hurting me. For context, we had been together for almost a year and the entire year she’s struggled with her mental health, anger problems, anxiety, and depression, all caused by some major traumas that happened to her way before me. Our relationship had always been rocky, with only about a 3-4 week span of being genuinely good and loving total that entire year. During the break up she voiced that her reasoning was because she didn’t think she could continue being in a relationship and that she wanted to be alone for a while, focus on her therapy, and start to get better mentally so she could stop hurting people (friends, family, and s/o’s). But 2 days after we broke up she admitted that she was already out playing the field and getting to know another guy and 5 days after she hooked up with her ex while running into him drunk at a bar. Last night she reached out to me after about 2 weeks of no contact and is now asking to come over so we can talk and is saying the “freedom” she had wasn’t filling and made her realize that she took me for granted and wants to start again on a “clean slate” and try again. What should i do? I loved her unconditionally and gave so much in the relationship and felt so hurt and discarded when she just up and left me, just to start immediately seeing other people. I’m worried that if i just take her back with no consequences or changes in herself that she’ll just go right back to how she was and expect me to give and give without ever giving anything back in return. And I’m worried that by taking her back it will just set a precedent that she can just come and go as she pleases in the relationship and I’ll always be her waiting to take her back. Any advice?

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