When was the last time you felt actually physically big enough?

  1. Well I’m overweight and I hate it so I basically feel big enough everyday. Just got back surgery for my injury tho so hopefully in the next 6 months o can start slowly exercising again to help lose weight

  2. When I overpowered a guy who wanted to fight me in the metro a few months ago.

  3. I wish I was smaller. Climbing is a lot harder since I’ve gained 25 pounds over Covid

  4. Big enough? If anything, too big. Although I recently re-started up free weights to bulk up my arms and chest a little.

  5. I walked under a train car and didn’t bonk my head but was still able to reach everything that I needed to reach

  6. when I was 220lbs at 8% body fat. Dude, it was so nice how I would walk everywhere and adult men were visibly intimidated by me, you can’t put a price on that.

  7. Most times. But the times I really feel like it are when I’m hooking up with women and their eyes get wide.

  8. After working out and getting the pump. I’m 5’6 135 but I get super wide with uper body

  9. first year high school we had this “official” competition (our school had wacky ideas) to see who can pull a car 10 meters in the fastest time. I beat all the third year students.

  10. Like tall? Every time I hit my head in the train somewhere. So every time. Like God damn I’m barely 6‘1 with shoes, are these things built for hobbits?

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