So recently i’ve made some friends but honestly i have very little in common with them and it’s starting to seem like they’re getting tired of me anyways. they have other friends to hang out with and i don’t. we also just don’t seem to enjoy many of the same things and the way we live our lives seems to clash because it’s so different and they never want to do the things i want to do.

so here’s some context on my personality:
– i’m 21(f)
– i like video games
– the beach (i live on the coast)
– walking in the city, parties (i’ve never actually been to one but i want to go)
– i don’t sleep in very late but i don’t wake up super early
– i’m into business & finance
– i like trying new restaurants
– i like football ⚽️ (playing and watching)
– calisthenics
– street fashion
– guitars
– i LOVE music (making and listening) and it’s actually my passion

i guess it just trying to figure out where i’m even supposed to go to find people. i know people always “put yourself out there” but out where lol

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