So this is kind of a long story. It starts a few years back. I had a boy friend, Hunter, we dated for a few years. Hunter could never figure out how to simply be faithful. He cheated on me many times on so many different occasions and I’m partly in to blame because I was letting it happen. After about 2-3 years of constantly being cheated on and treated like the 2nd choice by him and being lied to about how he swore he’d change, I packed my things, moved out and broke up with him …. it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. I was very sad and heartbroken after. I didn’t know what to do. I missed him very much, so ofc I would still see him but refused to take him back. He was desperate to get me back. He was now willing to share his location with me, give me the passwords to his phone/social medias. As stupid as I was I continued to see and sleep with him but wasn’t getting back into a relationship with him. I was still trying to get over him using methods that, looking back weren’t the best and definitely not worth it. I was sleeping with some dude who won’t even be named. It was a few hookups and that’s it. No emotions, at least on my end. After about 8 months of hunter and I being split up my period was late and I found out I was pregnant. I had used protection with the fling but never with hunter. I was mortified and immediately decided I should just abort it. I made the plans, booked hotels, appointments and flights for this. The day before my flight I couldn’t do it without at least telling hunter so I called him and we talked. I told him I was pregnant and that he wasn’t the only person I slept with. He begged me not to go through with the abortion. I told him I didnt want to take the chance of the baby not being his because I definitely don’t want the fling in my life at all. Hunter reassured me that no matter the outcome he’d be there and “love me and baby”. I didn’t end up going through with the abortion and Hunter moved in with me shortly after. I kept my distance from him for a bit. I noticed a drastic change in him. Though I still don’t completely trust him, I love him and wanted to make our relationship work out. Deep down I do think this baby is hunters but a maternity test is far too expensive for us right now. I’m a little over 7 months pregnant and he is now having second thoughts telling me he doesn’t want to care for another man’s baby. I’m not upset in the aspect that he doesn’t want to care for a child that’s not his, it’s the fact he told me it didn’t matter and that’s a very big reason I didn’t go through with the abortion. Now he’s genuinely upset (not blaming him) and says he can’t pretend this baby is his any longer. He wants me to tell his family everything. I don’t think I should have to do that since I told him from the start everything. I feel that now we are both just unhappy. I suggested to him that we just break up because I can’t think of any other solution to making us both happy. I don’t want to break up because I do love him but I can’t force something. He is still genuinely unhappy and fighting him self with not knowing for sure if the baby is his but doesn’t want to break up. Should I break the relationship off and should I have to be the one to tell his family?

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