Having a lot of issues with my friends and need some help

So for context, I used to have 3 really close friends and a girlfriend. Let’s call the 3 friends A,B,C and my girlfriend G. A,B,C and I are all 20M. G is 22F. We all go to the same uni. I’ve known A for 8-9 years, B for 4-5 years and C for 1 year. I’ve been with G for 2 years. A,B,C and I live in the same dorm room. Around 6 months ago, C was pissed about something and was mentally unstable so he threw acid at my face and I had to undergo treatment for my eyes and skin (dw I’m perfectly okay now and there’s no residual scars or anything at all). I got severely traumatized by this and cut off C immediately. I literally thought I was going blind at the time. It was really fucked up.

Anyway, I cut him off and so did G. Now what would any normal person do? They’d cut him off right? But no, A and B kept up their friendship with him. G talked to them and tried to explain why that’s a shit move on their part, especially considering that they were right there when the acid thing happened but they refused to believe her. A couple months went by and I couldn’t handle it anymore so I told A and B about how it felt extremely disrespectful and all. I gave them an ultimatum to pick me or C. I said that I’d leave the room and this friend group quietly without making any kinda scene if that’s what they really wanted. They assured me that that wasn’t necessary and that they’d cut off C. I believed them. Big mistake.

6 months later, I just found out that they’ve been meeting up with C behind my back in secrecy. I can’t fucking believe this. If they really wanted to keep being friends with C, then they should’ve just told me and I’d have left. This is fucked up. They want to keep heing friends with the guy who assaulted me. I genuinely cannot comprehend this. And they’ve been so clever and shrewd about it as well. They’ve been lying that they’re not friends with him, they’re not in the same class as him, they don’t talk to him.

So now my question is, what the fuck do I even do at this point? These are the people I’ve considered to be my closest friends. Do I even bother to talk to them again? Do I cut my losses and move out? I really need some advice and an outsider’s perspective.

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