How often do you think about ending things with your partner?

  1. Not often at all. I have anxiety, so sometimes my worries about other things impact how I view everything, but that hasn’t happened in years.

  2. Very rarely, if ever. And it is never serious, more like what would happen if?

  3. I think about ending things with my partner every time he pushes me to see and hang out with his parents and poor parenting choices.

  4. Only once, but that was a hypothetical just to see how I’d react to it.

    Haven’t since.

  5. Sometimes , because I’ve noticed he’s distant , works , wants to play video games . Gets upset when I try to communicate. He always wants alone time . It makes me think “am I really worth it?”

  6. Never. And that’s a big deal. I thought about ending my marriage with my ex many times – and we lived apart during 3 different times during our marriage. But my current partner – he’s stuck with me forever.

  7. Think about ending? Never. Fear things ending somehow (usually a panic that he was in a car accident or something)? Rarely in 14 years of marriage, almost 17 years together.

  8. Rarely, and only in a hypothetical “could I live without him” scenario. I love my husband so much and I think being without him would be the hardest thing I would ever have to do. Sometimes I just think what that would be like.

  9. In my last relo, all the time. every few weeks.

    In my current, I’ve never even thought about it once. And hopefully I never will!

  10. Never.

    We will be married this Fall for 15 years. That being said, we have the happiest marriage of anyone I know. He’s truly my best friend. We laugh a lot too.

  11. I’ve thought it through (logistics) once in 27 years. Never before and never since.

  12. I wouldn’t call it “thinking” about ending, but more of worrying it could happen. Some health scares have put the thought of me being alone with the kids to the forefront of my mind, and it just makes me scared and sad.

  13. Never. The most I think is “I wish he would go for a walk or something”. Lol.

  14. Maybe 6-9 months ago, quite alot. But we’ve moved past barriers together and I can thankfully say that I don’t ever think about it.

    Ask yourself why and when you start thinking about it (if you are thinking about it often)

  15. I realized that when I started feeling that way, it was the beginning of the end 🙁

  16. Never. This one’s my keeper. I’m so head over heels in love along with that deep, understanding respectful unconditional love too. It’s magical lol

    My ex husband? Every day. Sad and embarrassing confession… I sometimes hoped he’d die on his commute home. I had to leave. It wasn’t fair to either of us really.

  17. Never, sometimes I get scared about long distance but never ever enough to want to leave him

  18. It’s pretty high up there. There’s been lots of instances in our relationship where I should have left, now I just find myself asking ‘why am I here’. There’s no chemistry, adventure, or fun. There’s no sex, desire or attraction. At this point its just work, eat, sleep, pay our bills. I’ve brought up sex/intimacy and the feeling of being desired too much that it’s a broken record and so I keep it to myself most days.. but that constant voice in my head telling me there’s someone else out there that will worship me / desire me, find me attractive. The guy I’m with would rather jerk it to other females than to sleep me with me. We don’t even kiss (and I don’t mean a peck here and there before work or before bed, I mean k i s s)
    It’s a constant battle, but I don’t have the resources or balls to leave. He’s not a bad person, or even a bad partner… he just might not be for me and what I need. He’s content with everything so he doesn’t change anything, or care to. I can’t beg someone to desire me… but god I miss the feeling of being single and someone wanting me.

  19. Pretty frequently. I love him very much but I have abandonment issues so I get the urge to “leave him before he leaves me.” I talk about it in therapy a lot and try to remind myself that he’s been around for years and has seen me at my worst and he’s still here.

  20. And have these kids on my own? Ha! Nope.

    But really, not at all. Things get hard, but that’s life. Mine is better with him in it. The dude is literally my best friend.

  21. I don’t. He is end game for me. We’ve been together for 23 years. Our daughter is raised. We are going to go ahead and finish this life together.

  22. Pretty much anytime I have a moment to think about all done.

    I will be in a good spot and bam, a random reminder of one of the many things i found out in the past few months.

  23. I don’t. We’re getting married soon. Sometimes I do wonder if there will be some reason we divorce though. Can’t imagine what that would be. We’ve been together almost a decade, so I feel like we would have already found a reason by now if there was one

  24. I’ve thought of ending things everytime I feel like he never put it the effort or he’s taken me for granted, then he broke up with me because apparently I’m the one with red flags.

  25. About once a month when my period is coming but that’s all on the hormones. If I suddenly feel like running away or leaving him or think that I’m a horrible person it’s 99.9% likely that my period is under a week away.

  26. Super rarely. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if we broke up, but that feels like such an abstract concept that it doesn’t really make sense to me.

    I love him, and while we don’t currently live in the same place, we are working towards it. It’s when the distance has gotten really hard that I’ve wondered about ending it. At the end of the day, though, I know I don’t want to. I want to be with him.

  27. Never that I can recall, it’s been eight years and if we split I would be devastated. He is my favorite person and there’s nothing I love more than spending every day with him

  28. Usually only once, then I do it — I trust my judgement and if I’m thinking about ending things, then that’s a pretty good sign that I should do it.

    Though I should add that 15 years in with my current partner, I’ve never thought about ending things.

  29. Somewhat often. I have depression and dissociate, so especially when we are in a bad spot it just feels very unreal and not worth the trouble. Plus when I feel he’s not supportive and it’s a repeated lack of support I wonder if it’s just better to be alone. Not sure it will ever go away tbh.

  30. i thought about it twice during my eight month long relationship.

    the first time was because initially i wasnt sexually attracted to him, i just thought he was decent looking but not my type, but after giving it a few more days that sexual attraction grew and now i cant keep my hands of him.

    the second time it was because i was spiralling, thinking about all the abuse i had endured in the past and how it was probably my own fault, he treats me so well all the time and it felt like i didnt deserve it and like im probably going to ruin his life. that was like 5 months ago and he still treats me like a princess and spoils me with that kind of genuin love and affection that i could only have dreamt about before, so im probably not ruining his life after all.

  31. Infrequently and not seriously.

    Like I might think “well what if I didn’t have to put up with him?”

    And then I think “nah you’re not going to break up with him just because he took the blanket in his sleep”

  32. Multiple times a day for the last few years. Finally set up an appointment with a divorce attorney for a consult next week. Not planning to act right away, but I finally got to a place of acceptance that this relationship is not my forever one. We want different things out of this life and we’re making each other miserable. It was good for a long time but not all relationships are meant to last.

  33. Never. We have our arguments but we’ve build a foundation based on friendship and teamwork that’s stable and constant.

  34. I thought about it every day for years. Now I’m divorced and couldn’t be happier!

  35. Frequently. Specially how things are going right now with me and her. She has other priorities and she loves her dog more than she loves me. Lol.

  36. This is my first healthy relationship and I am sooooooo afraid of losing him. T_T

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