I have a friend who’s not extroverted but he knows how to react in any situation. Whereas, I mess up every situation thinking how I should react, and then I end up with awkwardness.

Especially situations like when two people are talking about you and they know that you know they’re talking about you. Are you supposed to look at them? Then they’ll be like “Oh look he’s looking”. Or are you supposed to ignore? Then they’ll be like “Lol he’s pretending to be unaware”.

When talking with someone in the hallway: how are you even supposed to stand? One can’t fold his arms cuz that would make him seem indifferent, neither can he be like 🧍‍♂️. I’m not sayin I’m self conscious but it’s just something I don’t know.

When you say something and the second person repeats it for the third person, where do you even look? Especially when the thing you said is a joke or a comeback. Someone repeating your joke to explain it to the other person is the most awkward thing ever.

I’ve seen in my school the most self-conscious people being able to react and response very well. But it’s only a problem with me.

I remember once I was with my friends, I made a bottle flip on it’s top. In excitement, I blurted out “Exactly”…. Seriously, what did I even mean by that. Who says exactly after making a trick shot.

Do you guys too experience this ‘how to react’? And what is it that you do in such situations to prevent awkwardness or mistakes?

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