I (24M) might or not have herpes and I don’t know the correct way to inform any future date.

Lately I wanted to enter the dating game, so before I did I ran a full STD check and it all came back negative except HSV2 (genital herpes). This scared me a lot, specially because I had only had oral sex and with one person ever, person that told me she didnt have it. Apparently is rare to get hsv2 from oral but is possible

I have never had any symptoms, and the last time I had sex was years ago. Also I’m inmunosupressed because of a chronic disease, so it leads me to think that if I ever would have any symptoms they would have appeared already.

In my country you only have access to a standard Igg test, which for what I’ve heard is not very realiable.

So for this reasons I don’t know how to approach this, because I don’t know for certain if I have it or not. Should I inform possible partners that I may or may not have herpes? Should I say I just have it?

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