Am I in the wrong for not wanting to click pictures with my family and friends ?

I have body dysmorphia and don’t like to take poctures with anyone at all.My whole life I have been the quiet one in my family, struggle with social skills and don’t talk to anyone at all, just study and talk to my gf sometimes, she is literally like my safety net , the only person I can be 100% honest with all the times. I don’t think i’m ugly at all tbh since I do pretty decent with girls but still something about taking pictures just makes me so uncomfortable. I was at my cousin’s birthday party yesterday and everyone was taking pictures with each other and as always sitting in the corner but then everyone started to force me to take pictures with everyone, I resisted for a like 5 minutes straight but everyone just didn’t let it go and then I just clearly said to my cousin that ” Please stop forcing me ” I didn’t shout but my voice was a bit louder and then everyone started to bash me, and I just grabbed my keys and left.All my life, I have been through shit alone, never shared any of my problems with anyone, they see a guy smiling and not bothering anyone all the times but only I know the shit I have been going through.Being this miserable socially just makes me want to cry but I still don’t. I remember the last time I have cried was in 2019, because I don’t to show the people around me that I am weak. This incident has literally been eating me and bringing every memory of me being socially incompatible and miserable

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