
I (20) am not a man nor a super fan or any hockey or sports team. So for me I do not understand why my dad gets SO enraged when his favorite hockey team is not playing good.

I understand getting upset, but it’s to the point to where he scares me with how angry/loud he gets. He doesn’t even change the channel until he gets super fed up. (To clarify I have a thing where I hate when people yell, like it doesn’t even have to be at me but it makes me panic and stuff. My dad is an amazing man other then when hockey is on lol)

I guess I just want clarification on males side why you guys get *so* angry at what happens in the game. I’ve be able to stop letting stupid things like stuff that happens in a game bother me (aka taking a fuck-it pill).

I thank anyone who answers this 🙂

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