Just venting about minor deception. Been married a lot of years, we love one another and get along well. Neither of us has ever cheated but there is always this minor deception going on that has bugged me our whole marriage. Examples: A week ago, my wife was in the kitchen and had been for a while and we were visiting. I left to go to the grocery store for her and like 10 seconds out the door realized I didn’t have my bank card so turned around and walked back in the house. I walked toward the kitchen and raised my voice that I forgot something and then realized I heard her talking in the other end of the house. I found she was in the bathroom but the talking had stopped. I waited for a few minutes and she came out of the bathroom and no toilet flush. She came looking for me so heard me earlier saying I forgot something. I know she was talking on the phone and ended the conversation soon as she heard me.

Also, she takes care of her mom who lives minutes away. This has happened before and happened yesterday evening. I think she forgot she told me something about being over at her mom’s right after work yesterday, as she typically does. Later in the evening she grabbed her purse and said, I’m going to mom’s, you want to go? She knows I probably won’t go there. She left and didn’t go to her mom’s. Sometimes she does this and goes to our daughters house. I just assume she wants to get away by herself sometimes but the deception sucks.

Ok, this morning, Saturday, I woke up early as usual, tiptoed out of the dark bedroom and closed the door because she’s still asleep. About an hour later I had showered and crept back into the bedroom to get clothes. Soon as I opened the door, I saw light from her phone against the wall ahead of the bed and saw a bit of movement from her. But when I walked over to the bed to say good morning, the phone was beside her, face down on the bed and her eyes are closed.

I know she’s not the type to cheat but I also think sometimes she would rather I wasn’t around. That kind of activity is depressing.

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