Me and my crush have been hanging out for about 2 months now. We know alot about eachother and I really like being her friend.We have sent eachother hearts before but nothing more than that. We both like eachother and we both know it but we are both afraid to make a move. I want to ask her out but I want her to know that I like her and establish that so it’s not just “hanging out” I don’t know when to make the first move like give her a hug. I just want to make sure I don’t mess things up and I want our relationship to be good and not just boring.i want to ask her out but how do I say it asides from we should go out sometime because that just sounds like hanging out.
Thanks, this is a little embarrassing to post but this is my first commited relationship and I don’t want to mess things up and another person’s opinion would be great instead of my friend Peer pressureing me into asking her out.Again thank you.

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