What do you do to find peace when you’re overly upset with yourself?

  1. No peace.
    **Only War**

    But probably just drown in music that makes me feel worse til the feelings go away

  2. try to take it easy on myself and go over what made me upset alone to piece it together and come to either a tough conclusion or a simple resolution

  3. Lots of different things. I’ll spend time with my pets and try to just meditatively focus on them. I’ll get stoned. I’ll write poetry in my poetry journal. I’ll watch a comfort show (right now, Heartstopper has magical powers for me, but ymmv if you’re not queer). I have a piece of art that’s also a fidget toy, and I can meditate through feelings while playing with it (I have ADHD so traditional meditation doesn’t work the best for me, I do better when I’m moving slowly or have something to look at that is mesmerizingly simple). I’ll go for a walk, or lay down under a tree, or try to do some flow arts.

  4. – cry it out, sometimes it’s just needed, we are a bundle of hormones after all
    – I imagine it was a friend in the situation and what supportive advice I would give them
    – I remind myself I’m human – we aren’t perfect but usually upset comes from a place that started with good intentions or when something has knocked us off sync
    – I remind myself that punishing myself with being annoyed/upset is only making the situation bigger
    – I always try learn from it… Whether it be realising why/what knocked me off sync to lead to the upset or how if on that situation again I would handle it better, without bearing myself up for not doing so on this occasion

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