What is the nick names you or your besties gave to the potential guys (girls) when you were just getting to know them but it wasn’t officially enough to let your girls know the name or in other similar situations.

  1. Mine is “he who must not be named” for one guy. For another one I think it would be replacement guy (although I’m yet to have an update session with bestie) which sounds like a rebound but it’s not I promise.

  2. i always used nicknames based on what they were studying. so basically law guy, sports guy, finance guy and so on

  3. honestly for me the hottest thing is addressing each other by first names i find baby kinda cringe

  4. Three gals…

    – Pastel (similar to her username on one social)
    – Catfish (Pisces and had a cat)
    – Marja-Leena (after a song we were listening to in a hot tub, which was ‘Mitä kuuluu, Marja-Leena?’ by Leevi and the Leavings)

    And I’ve helped my bestie come up with nicknames too. Like
    – Urban Explorer
    – Kesäheinä (means Summer hay but is kind of a saying?)

    And I’ve tried to get my good friend to change her nickname for her crush to HSE instead of Huumeet (drugs), still would be the same source material but wouldn’t result in so many concerned stares

  5. They called him “the German” or “Hans” (because he’s from Germany)

    Now they call him by his name lmao

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