My boyfriend and I have been together for 5 years as of this month. For those past 5 years we have not really been financially responsible at all. However, I just paid off all my debt, started contributing to my 401k last year, and have opened a high yield savings account to start saving for retirement. I’m in my mid 20s and my boyfriend just turned 30 so I know we are behind financially when it comes to saving. Whenever I try to talk to my boyfriend about our financial futures he usually shuts me down and says something along the lines of “I just got home from work, I’m tired I don’t want to talk about money right now.” I finally got him to talk to me about it last night. I tried to excite him by telling him if he started saving now he could have over a million dollars by retirement. He told me he didn’t care about having money in his 60s. I asked if he wanted to work until he was 80 just to make ends meet and he said he didn’t care about working when he’s old. We’ve talked about getting married recently as one of my stipulations to getting married was that I wanted to get out of debt first and I’ve done that. But now I’m not sure if I want to plan my future with someone who does not want to plan to be financially secure in retirement. I love him and I wanted to marry him but now I’m afraid. How can I help him see this is important for our future together, if we’re going to be together?

TL;DR My boyfriend doesn’t want to save for retirement and now I don’t know if I want to get married.

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