long story short, i asked him for his last name. he said he is unwilling to give that out due to having crazy women show up to his house and job unannounced in the past.

i asked were these women his exes and he said no one was someone he went to a concert went and the other was a woman who he met on his route when he worked at the post office.

i said why did they show up to ur locations unannounced. he said because he told them he didn’t want to hang out with them anymore.

i said why didn’t u want to hang out with them anymore. he said the one girl he went to the concert with starting doing choreography in the seat and swearing up a storm and bothering the people that were in the back of them. i don’t know why he stopped talking to the other woman.

i said did he have sex with these women. he said yeah a few times.

i said so u hit it and quit it. u knew that chick was weird but u continued to have sex with her. he said the first time they hooked up, he told her that he just wanted to be friends. the second time, she texted him while he was horny and he slipped up.

i said did u have sex with a random person that u delivered mail to? he said when u work the same route numerous times u get to know people.

i said you wild. he said how so? i said idk maybe ur not wild but just a regular guy with regular guy tendencies and there’s nothing wrong with that.

then i said so ur looking for someone to travel with and have sex with?

he said these incidents happened years ago. what he wanted then is not what he wants now. and he said don’t be so judgy.

i said sorry for coming off that way. he said it’s okay and that he would talk to me later because he’s going to bed. which is reasonable because it was 3:30 am.

i wasn’t trying to come off as judgy. his profile said he’s looking for something casual. i was asking a genuine question.

i’m supposed to be meeting him at a restaurant on tuesday. i might get unmatched before then. i got a feeling i will if i say the wrong thing. i didn’t think he was so sensitive.

should i just end this now knowing that he’s sensitive and i have to talk on eggshells?

tl;dr: guy called me judgmental

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