If you deal with it that is

edit: how do you feel about it? does it bother you?

  1. I just don’t mind it. Symmetrical faces really do not exist. There’s more things I have to worried about(my astrophysics review that I have to do😭) that are more worthwhile than my asymmetrical face.

  2. I love asymmetry ♥️ having eyes, cheekbones, jawline that are different from each other and lips, nostrils, skin and anything else that’s different on both sides adds uniqueness and unique is beautiful because it makes you, you ♥️

  3. The only part that bothers me are my uneven eyelids (Asian problems). I just use some eyelid tape on days that it’s really obvious.

  4. on other people i dont notice it, so even tho i absolutely hate my face i just try to remind myself that other people are probably just as busy focusing on their own insecuritys rather than notice mine.

  5. i feel like my face is a little asymmetrical because I sleep on one side the most. i try to sleep on the opposite side to even it out 😹

  6. Honestly I just convinced myself to love my face for what it is. Most people have asymmetrical bodies and faces. It’s human. It’s loveable. It makes everyone very unique to really look at.

  7. Not a woman but I love my two sides! They look different but both beautiful in their own way and I’m glad it’s me and not someone else who has this strong asymmetry bc they wouldn’t look as good as I do!

  8. I had Bell’s palsy years ago and never fully recovered. The right side of my face is still kinda droopy. It’s pretty annoying but tbh? No one notices it unless I point it out or I’m *really* tired. (It’s more pronounced then for some reason.)

  9. not many have symmetrical faces and study’s say people with asymmetric faces tend to be more attractive or something like that. but i just remind myself that asymmetric faces are very common, most people don’t even realize. so if you’re using your phone to obsess over it and keep taking pictures and go on apps to show you how your face would be symmetrical you really need to stop because no one is going to notice you those things. also remind yourself that you’re not a doll or a cartoon character, you’re real life.

  10. I’m over 50, but I can safely say I’ve never once contemplated the symmetry or lack there of, of my face.

  11. I have a friend with facial palsy on half her face. She learned to apply makeup to balance it out, no one would ever know while she has a neutral expression.

    I have a little dent in my nose, so when I was getting it pierced, I pierced the opposite side. Still asymmetrical, but now it’s intentional.

  12. I have a wonky jaw which has also affected my nose, eyes, and lips on 1 side. I part my hair at the side, I got lip fillers to even the lips out, I do my eyeliner slightly different on 1 eye, I wear my hair up to hide the jawline, I’m saving up for a nose job 🤞🏻

    the jaw I’m just gonna leave because I don’t mind too much having a wonky smile, or eyes.. it’s Natalie-Dormer / Billie-Eilish-esque endearing lol

    I much prefer to deal with it and look pretty around other ppl but I don’t beat myself up if I don’t. I was born this way and I’m a great person, I wouldn’t hate someone else for how they look so why would I hate me?!?

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