Hot tempered women, what caused you to become how you are now?

  1. Being treated as less than or not listened to because I’m a woman. Being judged. Being lied to or treated like a doormat and be expected to just quietly take it.

  2. The selfishness and audacity of people. I’m good at keeping my temper but I become possessed when I’m angry.

  3. Parental neglect. Abusive partners. Working in a male dominated industry. You just get fed up with, idk life I guess? at some point. For me it was about 26.

  4. My mother not letting me defend myself when i was a child even if she’d scold me for no reason. The moment i would open my mouth she’d shush me

  5. An abusive relationship where he laughed at me whenever I was angry, upset, hurt, or anything other than silent and subservient. Now, all my emotions are on xgames mode 👌

  6. A few things.
    For one, never having the grace and understanding I show people being returned to me. People never understood that I didn’t *have* to be accommodating And cooperative — I chose to be that way because I wanted them to feel heard, seen, and like their desires and feelings mattered. It’s not like I expected gratitude or even equal reciprocation, but I also didn’t think everybody would just assume that meant my feelings and desires didn’t matter at all.

  7. OF, which I’m assumed to mention since my demographic is men. After dealing with men almost 24/7 for a year, ones that objectify you and don’t treat you with respect, I have a lot less patience. I guess I’m not hot tempered most of the time, but my limit for BS has definitely decreased, especially when you factor in the real life element of it and people all wanting to have a say about how I spend my limited time on this planet.

  8. I was pretty rebel and had a hot temper when i was young because of my father and bad men in my life. Later on, i found out that i actually am not a hot tempered woman. In fact, my tamper is usually relax and kind. It was just reacting towards those dudes around me.

  9. being overly considerate to inconsiderate ass ppl — which is majority of the population, unfortunately

  10. A mother who had been verbally and physically abused by her own father. She brought me up to be able to say the word ‘no’ or to defend myself, think independently and make up my own mind about what I want to do or say without risk of being hit. She didn’t want me to feel so cowed and frightened like she did when she was growing up.

    Unfortunately, she also inherited his temper and is unable to hear the word ‘no’, hates it when I defend myself because she was raised to believe the parent is ALWAYS right even when they are wrong and hates it when I make up my own mind in cases where she may disagree because again, she can NEVER be wrong. She was taught that apologies and patience are for the weak, and the iron fist rules all. So, I grew up fighting back and giving as good as I got.

    It was a weird upbringing. I know she loves me fiercely, but she just doesn’t know how to be warm or gentle. Disagreement is an immediate snap and shout situation. One of my friends’ parents once told me they felt sorry for me because of how strict and unforgiving she was when I was 10. I defended her, of course, but it wasn’t until I started going to friends’ houses and witnessing different dynamics they had with their parents. Cuddles and family games, jokes, etc. My mum didn’t know how to play and she hates comedy to this day because ‘it’s all people playing stupid’. It’s what her father used to say.

    I am trying very, very hard to break the cycle.

  11. No clue. Just born like that. My mom is pretty even keeled she’s a first grade teacher. My dad dipped early but wasn’t a big shouter at us kids I guess he had pretty bad road rage though. Maybe that. But just since I was little I’d like be fine then flip my shit. I do have ADHD so maybe sensory stuff my mom told me to ignore like clothes or noise or something.

    Yeah probably that tbh.

  12. Being bullied in school. Being disrespected and talked down to by sexist men. I worked retail for almost 5 years, and I no longer have the chill or patience for stupidity and disrespect.

  13. When someone isn’t trying to see things from my perspective and honestly, being told no because I feel like I am a pretty reasonable person.

  14. Being continuously, repeatedly, and relentlessly ignored until I bang around and lose my shit. Now it’s a very hard habit to break, unfortunately.

  15. Getting older and being done with everyone’s shit. The field where my fucks grow is getting more sparse by the year and I don’t have the energy to constantly plant more the way I used to.

  16. bad experiences from family, old ex friends and people in general. i learned to defend my limits

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