What is something you used to care about that no longer interests you?

  1. right now, anime and kpop. I still play games and listen to old ones I used to listen to, but these new ones don’t click with me. I try but its just… reminds me of the old ones

  2. Video games. I used to be able to play for hours and would get so excited about new releases. Now, I don’t have much time or energy for that anymore.

  3. Partying drinking nightlife. Once i removed alcohol from my life i realized how much i loved solitude books tea nature. Everything shifted.

  4. The relationship history details of a potential partner. Key word: details. All I am interested in now is what they believe they learned from their past and if kids were involved. Basic, top-level info.

  5. Pushing super hard to rise quickly in corporate life.

    I’ve gone to the best schools, held some of the most prestigious corporate jobs, and now I’m just like, “meh”. The stress just isn’t worth it. Sometimes I still get minor anxiety attacks that I’m not working hard enough/making enough, but I try to take a step back from it all.

  6. Trying to make something work with someone who doesn’t want to commit.

  7. video games. the only thing ive played this year is sims4 for a few days. i used to play all types of games (hots, lol, doom, hs, skyrim) almost everyday for several years. but now when im in a healthy and safe relationship ive realised its not really something im interested in, i just had nothing else to do while my ex-partners neglected me for their videogames. my current fiancé is also a gamer, but he does it differently, he doesnt game from as soon as he comes home from work until past bedtime, he doesnt even game everyday. even when im sleeping in during the weekends he has all the time to play he wants, but often he still chooses to not game and watches netflix or cleans the house or something instead. i get his attention and affection everyday, without having to sit next to him infront of my computer, so gaming is not something i feel like doing anymore.

  8. Getting tattoos. I have 7 and I’m done, I don’t have any intentions to keep getting more done.

  9. My looks. Sure, I take care of my hygiene and health, but I don’t give a rats ass about covering up percieved flaws anymore. I’ve accepted that there are things in my apparence I can’t change.

  10. 3rd party opinions. If you’re not the A or B in the situation. C ya laters beetch.

  11. TV. I used to watch movies every night now I can’t even get through 1 ep of a show. I just get bored

    same with Xbox, and men/relationships

  12. Shitty thing to say, but a lot of friendships I thought I wanted to hold on to. I just have no interest in talking to them anymore (with the exception of one or two).

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