I lost my desire to date, flirt, go out with friends..

This started like a few months ago. When I lost all my will to date or even keep a conversation with a guy.

I used to talk to guys quite often. I liked it and would respond quickly. I would imagine scenarios and like be excited to meet new potential bf or even just friends.

This has also happened with my friends. I have like no desire to answer back their texts. Its not because I don’t like my friends. It’s because i just cba to do it. I feel lazy. I was never like this before.

I started using dating apps about a year ago. I’ve been on several dates and each one has made me feel worse than the last. Either because the guys were assh”oles or fuckboys or because I didn’t really like them. One of the attempted to rape me. I think this has made me lose hope in an extreme way, to which i can no longer keep my interest for more than a day or two. I can’t even be bothered to open the dating app anymore. I used to feel excited to do so.

I don’t feel those tingles anymore when i meet a guy or text them. Its just so automatic and with 0 feelings involved. It doesn’t make me develop any feelings and i will just move on.

I wanna be able to feel the excitement of dating again and be able to be motivated to text them or my friends without feeling lazy. I wanna get the tingles in my tummy.

People keep asking me if im seeing someone or interested in someone. I just say no, feeling extremely anxious and sad because nothing has worked yet or works. And I couldn’t be more uninterested in it unconsciously.

Has anyone else felt this or am i alone? What’s wrong with me?? Help!

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