We’ve been together about 8 months.

This happened ~3 Weeks ago, they were really upset and we we’re arguing, they hit me. it didn’t hurt, but they said “I can’t lose you”

But then went on to say we broke up because they can’t let themselves do that because they used to be in an abusive relationship.

But we didn’t actually break up, because I forgave them because they were crying, It’s just hard because they are depressed and suicidal. So I forgave them. I regret it but feel like I can’t leave or talk about it because I already forgave them.

I do a lot for them to, because of their leg pains I make the bed, lock their car, feed thier dogs fold their clothes just a TON of small things and don’t feel appreciated at all they say that I dont love them and that i “just need to care” like I’m not already??

We try talking but we both say we’re not thinking anything, I just lie as to not spark something and ruin the whole day plus I already said my thoughts the night before most times but they just don’t believe that all I’m thinking. When We actually do have a conversation they end up painting me as a villain almost every time.

I try holding them, but they push me away soo much! It’s frustrating because I’M TRYING TO BE THERE AND CARE but they say “get off” or “stop talking” which is valid to have boundaries but the double standards and just contradictory notions are exhausting. I don’t know what to do.

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