Looking for input on how to make friends as a 23 year old. For some background info I am 23 and so is my wife, we are very stable financially and own a home. Neither of us went to college and I have owned my landscape company since I was 16.

I’m looking for input on how to make friends and enjoy life, I have 1 or 2 people we hangout with but other than that I have no one else really to talk to/ do stuff with. I feel like anyone we do hangout/talk to I have to initiate them, I honestly don’t don’t the last time I was invited to a party or dinner or an event. I feel the one thing I regret about not going to college is meeting people. I’ve been debating on selling/closing my company to do something else because the only people that do reach out to me want something from me. I also do not enjoy the work/headache anymore.

I think I may be somewhat depressed that no one seems to care about me besides my wife and not sure what to do. Any input would be appreciated!
(If theres a better sub to post this in please let me know)

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