Hi Everyone,

I (26M), been dating this girl (21F) for about 6 months. We’ve been officially in a relationship for the past week, but been exclusive for the past 3 months. We initially met on Hinge.

When we first started dating, she used to follow a bunch of random guys on Instagram, and send out requests, who didn’t follow her back. I had explained it bothered me , and she stopped following & unfollowed. I said it’s fine if she meets people in real life and exchange socials, but sending follow requests to random men ( who don’t even follow back) that you’ve never met is not something I’m comfortable with.

Last night, when we went out to dinner together, I think we’ve had our first fight.We decided to go through my following Instagram , and there were a bunch of girls (around 10) who I had no mutuals with , and I explained that I had met them at parties / gatherings before I met her , and we exchanged socials.

(For context I follow 300/400 people on Instagram, and don’t follow any IG models or stuff, everyone on my instagram I’ve met in person at least once, and they all follow me back). A couple of these girls posted sexual pictures, and that bothered her , so I unfollowed them all on the spot.

One profile was a girl I went on a date with 5 years ago, and she told me to unfollow her as well. I explained I only went on 1 date with her , never seen her since , and that it would be rude as she’s part of my extended extended social circle.

She flipped, and on the spot pulled out her phone, and started sending follow requests to a bunch of dudes who she went on dates with in the past . She said she did this to show me how it feels.

I found this very disrespectful and rude . She said the fact that I was reluctant to unfollow that girl is similar.

Would like to know what are your thoughts on this? And how should I proceed?

It’s a semi long distance relationship so won’t see her again till 2 weeks.

We haven’t spoken since and she said she needs time to go through her emotions as she’s been feeling overwhelmed.

She never displayed any other kind of red flags behaviour previously .

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