1. My girlfriend gets UTIs very easily when we have sex, I think the combination of my saliva (I enjoy satisfying her), condom lubricants and lube (we always use protection) and her body fluids creates the perfect conditions for her to get a UTI every time. She pees before and after to try and prevent it but it still happens. She hasn’t complained about dealing with post sex UTIs but fuck there’s gotta be a better way, I don’t want her to deal with this every single time. I fear for her health because she has to get prescription medication to recover. What can we do?

2. She has issues giving oral because she has jaw locking issues (has had multiple surgeries for it). I don’t want her to go HAM on me but just like anyone it’d be nice to get some oral every now and again. She’s mentioned she wants to do that for me but is too scared to try out of fear of her jaw locking up. is there any methodology or technique that would alleviate her issues and how can I approach the conversation around that so i don’t make her feel unappreciated in bed?

Thank you for any advice!

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