I just came across a conversion my husband had with his lawyer. It concerns his ex tried to get him jailed, and he told his lawyer “I have an inappropriate video where we were in a hotel room, can we use this as evidence in the case?”

I don’t care if he still has pics or videos of his ex (should I care?) I know she hurt him a lot and if I asked him to delete them he would, maybe he’s just keeping it for evidence, it doesn’t bother me.

But one thing does bother me. We got married young and to this day I believe he was a virgin when we married. It doesn’t bother me if he wasn’t. He said, on multiple occasions, that I am his first. But when I read the convo with his lawyer I was shattered, not because he was in a hotel room with her (you don’t book in at a hotel room to chat…) but because he may have lied about it. I feel small and like a fool for believing him.

I also don’t want to assume things. I don’t want to hint it out of him. I had no business reading the convo with his lawyer anyways but I didn’t even imagine I’d come across something like that.

What’s the healthiest way to approach this? I love him and I don’t want to be that woman that opens up things of the past, but I’m hurt and I feel like if I don’t get closure on this subject I might not get over it. Why did he lie to me if it didn’t even bother me whether he was a virgin or not? What else could he be lying about?

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