What are some ways to have fun on a budget?

  1. There’s some museums that you can tour for free or walking through local botanical gardens are always fun.

  2. I don’t know if all cities do it but many will do outdoor movie screenings for free

  3. Free museums, picnics, walks/hikes in new locations, bike riding/roller skating/other wheel-y things :), board game night, movie night

  4. Picnic lunches really help my budget, which probably goes to show how much of my expenditure is on food lol. I can pack a picnic lunch and spend a day in town, eat at the park and spend the rest of the day walking around browsing in shops or going to free or donation based museums, and not spend a dime (except a small donation). Or I can pack a lunch and spend the day in nature hiking. Versus going out to eat either in town or on the way to/from hiking and spending 50-100 on food and drinks.

    If you enjoy entertaining, then host potlucks. Provide the meat and ask that your guests bring a side. BYOB

  5. – window or thrift shopping
    – trekking or camping
    – game night + sleepover
    – visit places you’ve never visited before but just around your city
    – read books

    i hope these activities can give you an idea ✨

  6. Hiking- including bird watching or foraging

    Board or card game

    Seek out free concerts or movie showings often at parks

    Cooking at home, especially trying something new like sushi, soufflé, a fancy dessert

  7. Last i checked, spending a day laying in bed naked with your significant other is still budget friendly. And fun!

  8. Google search “seat filler [your closest major city]” for free or very cheap tickets to events in your area.

    I’ve used seatstir in the past, and have gone to tons of things for free. Comedy shows, concerts, art shows, plays, etc

    Basically, if an event doesn’t sell out, lots of empty seats looks bad. So the venue gives (sells?) tickets to a seat filler organization. That organization gives them out for free. The catch is that you *have* to show up, or they won’t give you anymore, and you can only go to like one event per month.

    They usually have a paid subscription option that allows you to go to more events and get more than 2 tickets to each one. Even that isn’t very pricey and definitely pays for itself.

    It’s worth checking out!

  9. We enjoy going for a walk around the neighborhood or trails that are close by. Grabbing a soda and just listening to a good podcast we like. Board game night with friends.

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