I (26F) have been with my boyfriend (23M) for almost three years. For the first two years, we had been long distance, and it was hard, but we made it work seeing each other on the weekends. He was always very open to me about his k*nks and f*t*shes, which I had always done my best to incorporate into our own s*x life when we were together. I had also been made aware that he had a corn addiction that started at 8 years old. Corn was something that he used throughout our relationship, which I wasn’t entirely comfortable with, but with being long distance, I wanted him to have that outlet.

With that being said, we finally moved in together last year, and have been living together for almost 4 months now. He told me he hadn’t had any urges to watch corn, but last month I noticed his behavior shifting. He was colder and snippier and distancing himself, and our s*x life was getting a lot more boring and he was not putting any effort into what I want. I found out through a confession a couple weeks ago that when I would be working on the weekends, he was secretly watching corn.

Like I said before, the addiction is getting worse because the stuff he is watching is getting much more… niche. He told me he was watching and f*tishizing trans women. It makes me sick that he is f*tishizing people in this way, and is confused about his sexuality now due to his addiction. He always tells me he likes only women, and I am enough, but still is refusing to cut corn out of our relationship because I will never fully satisfy him because he likes that genre. I don’t want to shut down his sexuality or his desires. I just don’t want him watching corn any more. It’s ruining our relationship and causing a rift. I don’t like what he watches because it is desensitizing him to actual s*x. He finally admitted last night that what he is experiencing may be addiction because he wasn’t even aware that he was showing the signs. I don’t want to leave him because of this. What do I do?

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