I travel around the states selling art and a fellow artist who I really look up to on the internet invited me to her town to hang out and sell art with her. The other day I asked her in these words: “would you be so kind as to let me ship some stickers to your house?” And she said yes but we haven’t really talked since and now I’m stressed that, 1. I should of asked way more politely and 2. Maybe it was too soon to ask for a favor like that…. am I overthinking it? Should I apologize? I want to make a good impression on her 🥺

  1. Either way, just send her a message asking to get your stickers. Maybe mention you didn’t mean to overstep any boundaries. Sound honestly that it’s a lot of overthinking. Which I do TONS OF!! Good Luck

  2. Seems OK to me but if you’re concerned you could reach out to thank her again, saying that you’re a bit nervous but looking forward to the meetup as well as asking how she’s been.

    That way you’re making them feel good about helping but not putting yourself down while demonstrating that you’re not just using them.

  3. If the roles were reversed would you see it as too much?

    That’s what I do when I’m overthinking and usually- nope it’s not too much and I would happily do said favor. And then I usually think if that’s “too much” then it’s not meant to be anyways.

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