We’ve been married 25 years, doing well. Something happened recently that made me laugh a bit and also wonder about myself, LOL.

Background: My wife and I had very different paths through our teens and 20s. When we met just before our 30th birthdays, we were both pursuing a couple major life changes. It’s what drew us together. We dated, got engaged, and right after marriage embarked on our dreams including a move to the opposite coast.

We both had the usual history of failed exes.

Long before I met her, she dated an emotionally abusive, jealous, manipulative DB. She knew it while she was in the relationship but yanno…in our early 20s we do what we do. I had my share too.

After they broke up she, like many do, pulled a 180 and dated someone on the rebound very much the opposite of her ex. This is the guy she dated before she and I started dating. He’s a stereotypical mama’s boy, gym meathead, guy’s guy but generally “ok with anything.” He was also terminally non-committal and lackadaisical about the relationship. Whatever. In some ways they were never serious so she broke it off with him.

Fast forward to I see a recent social media post from my BIL which this ex, call him Alan, commented on. I had no idea her BIL kept in touch with this guy but no biggie. Curiousity got me so I clicked on Alan’s profile and wow. He’s become an even bigger meathead and like 50% of his ‘friends’ are baically women trolling for OnlyFans subscribers.

I chuckled, both at the lameness of someone his age (58) fawning over thirst trap pics and the chicks who post them. Then I’m like, OMG, THAT’S the guy I followed? LOL. I guess I was the “middle” type between her other 2 exes.

I dunno, I found it amusing. Any other stories like that out there y’all?

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