I feel like I have a pretty good relationship. We are really close and he was a childhood family friend so it just feels like we are best friends at times. We have not had any huge issues which I think is an important part here . Our communication is really good and we also have time apart so it’s a healthy balance .

We decided to try for a baby 4 months ago & confirmed our decision after a lot of talks and financial planning . He went away on a promotion business trip & I found out I was pregnant and I was so excited . I texted him and he did not respond but he did fly home the same day. He came inside the house and did not say a word it was really uncomfortable and strange but I left the situation alone and figured he was in shock. The next day comes and I decide to gently bring it up and ask him how he was feeling about the news and he goes off on me which is a first . Accusing me of having an attitude and being very cold . I did try to change the conversation around and apologize if he felt like I said something wrong , explained I was a little uneasy and still taking in the news . This seemed to upset him more ! Then he mentioned not being with me and walked out the door and hasn’t come back . This is all really shocking to me and I have never seen him in this light . I am thinking maybe it is nerves or anxiety hitting him but he has never reacted this way so I feel like it will be hard to move past this because I thought we were more open and honest with each other about everything .

Has anyone experienced any unexpected reactions to pregnancy news ?

EDIT : I also wanted to edit to clarify that if he was cheating or wanting to leave I would not stop him leaving . I am mature enough to know that sometimes people want to leave and that is okay . He doesn’t have to feel like he needs to do anything behind my back because I always make it clear that i am willing to try to work on the relationship if he feels ever like something is wrong but if things can’t be fixed I’m okay with him going to where he is happy . I am content with myself and don’t feel like I need to stay in a bad relationship when it’s such a big beautiful life out there and I hope he feels the same

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