If not, how often is it that a parent *would* buy their child a car in their senior year or whatever.
I often see this in teenage American movies.

  1. My parents didn’t but my older brother did, and that was mainly as an excuse to get a car he always wanted lol

    Most people I knew as a teenager got their parents old cars when they were old enough to drive instead of their parents buying them a car. 

  2. I saved up money from various jobs, and bought my own car. It was a used car that was being sold by someone in my mom’s office, and she encouraged me to buy it. Seemed like a great idea.

    The car turned out to have a lot of mechanical problems and I was very nearly in a serious accident as a result, while driving by myself for like the fourth time ever. The car was totaled.

    My mom felt so bad about what happened (including the fact that I spent all my savings up to that point) that she and my dad bought me a brand new car. Which they ended up using, after I had moved away for good.

  3. My grandpa was willing to give me his 10 year old car. My parents made me pay him for it lol

  4. My mother bought my first car when I was 16, every other car I’ve owned I paid for myself. My first car was a 2000 Impala LS purchased from my uncle for $2,500 – it was a very solid first car.

    I knew other kids in school that did get brand new cars. A couple of the rich girls (twins) got brand new SS Camaros and another rich kid got a brand new Plum Crazy Challenger R/T. The girls that got the Camaros were grand daughters of the owner of a local Chevy dealership. The kid who got the Challenger was the son of a prominent local politician who was also running for the senate around the time.

  5. No. I got my license around 18 and I drove my mom’s old car. But my parents did help me by paying for half of a my new car after the car I bought was totaled (but that was in my 20s).

  6. No. My first car was given to me by my older sister (her old car), but I bought my second and current car.

  7. My dad bought myself and each of my siblings our first car but they were all police action cars that were usually salvaged titles and were about $1000-$2000 to repair. I’m the only one of my siblings to keep their first car going for almost 20 years.

  8. No, but they let me use my dads old old car that had been parked behind the fence for years.

    They bought my sister a car though.

    I still drive that old car, 6 years later though I’m finally replacing it and I think my brother is going to learn to drive in it when they get it back. 26yo Subaru with about 280,000 miles

  9. There was a Honda Civic that I was able to use to get to work and back. Saved up and bought myself a beater-ass 1994 4Runner

  10. Yep, got my first at 15 to learn on, got anothet at 18 for my birthday and then another one at 28 for a welcome home present.

    Thanks Dad.

  11. Yes, I got a car for my 16th birthday. It was a shitty car from the 80’s but I felt like a queen.

  12. When I turned 16 (in 1988), my dad bought himself a new car and gave me his old one. My younger sister then got a new car. I then got a new car (bought by parents) a couple years later.

  13. Yes, but it wasn’t fancy. It was $1500 and 13 years old at the time. My parents were divorced and were absolutely done carting me back and forth so they said it was a gift for them. I ended up driving it for another 8 years.

    My high school also didn’t have buses and walking wasn’t realistic for most people so a good chunk of the student body had their own cars starting sophomore year.

  14. Yes.  When I was 16 in 1997 my dad bought me a ’91 Ford Probe.

    Now I have kids of my own.  The oldest inherited a 2008 Dodge Grand Caravan.  My middle kid is taking his driver’s test tomorrow.  If he passes we’ll buy a newer used car than what my husband drives now.  Kid will get the 2015 Nissan and husband will get the newer car.  That newer car will be passed on to our youngest when she gets her license in 3ish years.  At that point my husband will get the vehicle I’m driving (2019 Highlander) and I’ll get a new car.

  15. Yup, I got a 7 year old hatchback with 100,000+ miles on it that cost $1,000. Still my favorite car I’ve ever had.

  16. My parents did buy me a car, it was incredibly nice of them. It wasn’t a piece of crap but it wasn’t extraordinarily nice either. I was very grateful.

    With that said it is not uncommon for parents to buy their kids cars. I live near a private high school and you should see what these kids are driving. Teslas, Jeep Wranglers, New Broncos. $50k+ cars. It’s crazy.

  17. Yes, my parents bought me a car when I was 16.

    It wasn’t very nice, but it got me around

  18. I got a 1974 2 door stick shift Toyota Corolla. After both my brothers had used the shit out of it. One of them rolled it so it was a bit shorter.

  19. No. My parents *never* gave me a g.d. thing. I had to work for everything I’ve ever owned from the age of 15.

  20. I gave my kids the option of a new car or private high school. All three took the car option and public school. Thank you, Kia, for 0 percent financing and free oil changes for life. By the way, this was the cheaper option.

  21. My father agreed to go 50/50 with me. I worked for half the money to buy a used car and he would provide the other half. But my dad found a sweet 94′ Jeep Wrangler Sahara while we shopped around. He liked it so much he bought that for himself and just gave me his car lol.

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