How do I handle this situation?

My girlfriend(F22) and I(M20) have been together for 3 years. They were 3 great years filled with many great memories.
But for the last few weeks I have been doubting whether to move on or not.

In the beginning of our relationship we did many fun things together and had sex daily. Great sex. However, for the last 7 months, we have hardly been intimate.

At first I thought that this was just temporary and would improve once we moved in together(Since 4 months we are studying at university and are in a student room together). But it didn’t. We rarely kiss or cuddle and don’t even have sex weekly despite me trying regularly.

She is always tired or sick or she just says she doesn’t feel like it.
I don’t want to seem like a shallow person, but I need intimacy and also sex. It feels like she no longer finds me attractive.

On top of that there is another problem. She never wants to go anywhere to do anything fun while I want to. I want to go partying, to the cinema, to the cafe…. I just wanna be young and live life. But she wants to stay at home and watch TV and then fall asleep every day.

Then when I go out with my friends, without her she gets angry and accuses me of not wanting to be with her and leaving home alone.

I have already tried to talk to her about these things so she knows how I feel about it. Most of the times she doesn’t wanna talk about it or she starts crying and then I feel guilty.

I don’t need daily sex or weekly parties/datenights like we used to do.
But i’m only 20 and now is the time to be young and instead I feel like a 50 year old married dude.

How do I handle this situation

EDIT: She has struggled with depression before but she always talked to me very openly about it and we got through it together. We were also more intimate back then we are now. (hugs, kisses things like this)

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