I was crying on my way to school and one of my friends saw me while I was walking to class and asked if I was okay. I said not really and he hugged me and I started crying again. A friend told me this would only be acceptable if both of us were single.

  1. > A friend told me this would only be acceptable if both of us were single.

    Jerk alert.

  2. OMG.. I was so worried about our partners insecurities that we can’t actually have connections with anybody else?

    It’s totally OK.

    How sad to worry about the security of our relationships if a friend offer support.

  3. That’s what real friends are for… to help you through the tough times.

    So if there’s no real romantic intention behind the hug. Then you did nothing wrong.

  4. Ok so the post makes it seem like you’re really young so you’re not gonna listen and you and your friends probably think you know everything.

    But to answer your question, the boundaries vary from person to person but generally comforting a friend who is struggling is not a bad thing. Now of course you always need to understand what your partner is ok with and make sure you don’t start getting a little too intimate.

    But a hug? Really?

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