I think it looks cute though like what you afraid of

  1. What is a “girly color”? You’ll have to elaborate because on this subreddit we don’t needlessly gender colors and put them into some arbitrary system created out of archaic gender norms and thinly-veiled misogyny.

  2. It’s the backlashfrom other guys. I dress preppy and wear “girly” colors often. When you do it consistently you stop getting comments.

  3. Why should I wear colors which don’t fit me? I’m a depressed artist, I’m supposed to wear black!

  4. Depends on how far you take it?

    Wear a solid hot pink shirt? No thanks. Too much attention.

    Button up Shirt with pink pinstripes? Yeah, totally.

  5. I’m not, I’ll wear whatever color I want, don’t care what other people have to say about it

  6. I wear pink with some frequency. Sweaters. Ties. T-shirts. Though I’m mildly Red/Green colorblind, so I don’t even know what it really looks like except that I can tell it’s pink (barely). Don’t get much static for it from other dudes, and if I do, it’s a whatever.

  7. I don’t look too good in pink tbh, but I do love wearing purple if that is considered a ‘girly color’

  8. I do not like being flamboyant.

    That being said I do wear colours. Deep blues, deep greens and reds are my favourites. But I also rock yellow and light blue pullovers from time to time.

    I disliked the colour coming from the pants in my outfits. So, I stick to dark colours for pants (for the most part, light blue jeans are cool, khakis are cool).

    I don’t wear any pink for the simple reason that I think it looks bad on most pieces of male clothing. Pink dress shirt is ok, but since I don’t wear dress shirts all that often, I never got around to getting a pink one. I’d rock one with black pants and some black accents any day.

  9. Some personalities tend to pull off certain colors better. I, for one, avoid flamboyant colors unless as an accent – opting for the darker gem or earth tones. It has nothing to do with fear and everything to do with knowing what clothing makes me look attractive or put-together.

  10. I just wear black 90% of the time. It’s not that I’m afraid of girly colours, I just don’t like wearing most colours at all.

  11. Why do you think that “guy doesn’t wear girly colour” inherently = “afraid”?

  12. Who says we are?

    Learn how to ask a question, op, rather than leading questions.

    Your logic is bs because of the syntax.

  13. It’s not like a lot of men’s clothes are available in “girly” colours, but even if they were, I prefer black.

  14. You guys who wear black all the time, I am curious as a person who also used to wear black (and purple) all the time…do you know if you actually look good in black?

    I just recently realized that I don’t and had a look at which colors would compliment my skin tone the best. Black was a noooo. Certain blues and purples were nos. I’m sort of stuck in the yellow to green spectrum.

  15. What the fuck is a girly color? And why do y’all always act like we’re not doing stuff because we’re afraid?

    Isn’t it far more likely we’re doing something (in this case wearing colors) that we like and feel comfortable in?

  16. Gaslighting from people like you

    It’s also annoying to see people go ‘ooooh the straights are scared’ as if straight people are the minority and not 95% of the population

  17. Because I don’t like the colors? Because the ones with girly colors don’t have any of the designs I like? I have a shirt with a Sakura tree on it and is mostly pink which I find cool. Most other pink shirts either don’t fit or have these stupid designs I don’t like.

  18. That’s the thing, in public, you gotta look like any “literally me” or Ryan Gosling character, but alone, you can look like Astolfo.

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