My husband and I have been together for 7 years. Unfortunately, I find myself incredibly unhappy. While I don’t mind being the primary breadwinner, the weight of financial responsibility rests heavily on my shoulders. I handle most of the bills, except for our car payment and our child’s daycare expenses.

Lately, my husband’s inability to prioritize responsibly has caused significant stress. There was an incident where he neglected our car payment for nearly four months, resulting in repo orders. Our parenting styles clash, communication is strained, and we argue incessantly. The mental load I carry within our relationship has eroded my attraction to him and our sex life is nonexistent. He has demonstrated his incapability on multiple occasions. Not only are we at odds, but I do not feel special or important within our marriage. I never get Christmas gifts, never anything for Mother’s Day, or birthdays. Gifts are not important but when combined with his obvious lack of caring in all other regards, it adds to my frustration. I am TIRED.

In addition to working full-time, attending school, and completing an internship, I’m also responsible for managing our child’s doctor appointments, homework assignments, daycare, and school events. The exhaustion is overwhelming. Despite all this, I hesitate to divorce my husband because he lacks family support. I want to keep him around for the sake of our child.

However, I’ve reached a breaking point. I’m emotionally detached and even contemplating an affair, though I recognize it’s not a healthy solution. Marriage counseling is out of reach due to financial constraints—we’re scraping by paycheck to paycheck. It’s a difficult situation, and I feel drained.

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