I (26/nonbinary) recently scored a job interview after being out of work for two years despite my best efforts. I’ve had a few interviews in that span of time, however, nothing planned out. I’ve always had some relevant experience to give myself some more weight in the eye of the interviewer, but nothing really planned out. I’ve always been awkward socially and consider myself an “introverted extrovert” due to my autism diagnosisis and have always had very underwhelming social skills.
So basically, id be a shoe in for this position due to my experience in similar positions and the fact the company pays little above minimum wage. except my fear of the interview itself, and the fact that I’ve interviewed poorly in the past. Are there any unspoken rules or cues I might be missing in this or anything that might make me tackle the social aspect of the interview with a little more grace? I wrote down my answers to the usual interview questions and practiced rewording them from my memory with my fiance, as well as tried to improve where I might have messed up in the past with my voice tone and emoting more frequently but I could really use some other tips.

Also if I do get this job, how do I go about making friends in the workplace? In every other job I’ve had I haven’t even figured out how to get on breakroom-talking terms with any of my coworkers.

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