I have this good friend of mine who I met during my 2nd year of college, we used to talk a lot during our 2nd year but then weren’t able to talk as much because the pandemic happened. I actually lost track of a lot of my college friends during the pandemic except her because she texts extremely strangely.

She takes a long time to reply to any text or online conversations, sometimes it would take a few days to even weeks which made getting to know her or keep track of how she’s holding up hard during the pandemic especially. This was also a boon tho since we were almost always “in contact” as our convos couldn’t really end as by the time she’d answer “How she was doing”, I could eventually ask her the same question again.

After the quarantine ended and she graduated, I asked if she wanted to meet up with me to catch up as we haven’t seen each other in awhile and she did. When we met up, I forgot how great of a person she was and how fun she is because after talking to her online, I figured that she was kinda busy and not interested to talk anymore.

We hit it off amazing and enjoyed each other’s company, I eventually asked her why does she message so late or text so late. Her answer was that she didn’t really like doing social media (which is definitely true, as she’s never been an online poster too much – doesn’t even have a facebook profile) and that she gets lazy to reply a lot that even her family suffers from the same issue.

Since she doesn’t like to get out much and it takes awhile to plan things, I’m back to texting her again but this time, I really want to get to know her better since it feels like despite all this time I barely know her. But it also feels strange to start doing it now after these long years. I’m attributing this to how socially awkward I am so I was hoping to look for advice through you guys.

How do I get to know my friend better when we don’t meet IRL often and her texts are always late making conversations online even harder than it should be?

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