Whatever it maybe!!

  1. From like 4-12 I was really shy, didn’t talk much and only had a few select friends, from 12 to 18 I was pretty social, I was known as “That nerdy Asian girl” throughout most of middle/high school because I really liked video games and people thought it was odd

    I came out of my shell biiiig time in high school and ever since than I’ve been really sociable.

  2. From 2 – 11. Quiet, but adventurous I think (needed a weird kiddy leash to stop me from running into the road) I climbed a lot of trees. I think I had depression, when I look through art projects and stuff from when I was 5-6 I never drew myself with a happy face etc (I pretty much experienced abuse the moment I was born).

    I think despite not knowing I was being abused, I was quit a welcoming and affectionate creative kid. My brain isn’t supposed to comprehend that stuff so young. So it’s nice to know despite my invisible illness I was such a bright kid and was kind and accepting to everyone I met. Always take younger kids under my wing

  3. Earnest. Sad. Had friends but felt alone because of all the violence at home. I’m a much happier adult.

  4. Ummm . . . I was extremely shy as a child but my sister, mother, and brothers were too. So I never really understood how it’s “bad” being ok with silence.

    I’m in my late 20s and still shy. Don’t go out much but have 4 special people in my life that understand me.

    Sorry, as I child I was shy and mostly spent my days just thinking and wondering about everything. As a child when I found my voice inside my head (just thinking lol) it was like a my little world opened up. I was so happy I could think anything about anyone and not get in trouble lol I would say so much crazy stuff in my head I sometmes laugh when others were quiet or just chillin. So that made me seem even more wierd as a child

  5. Quiet, Well mannered, Always listened to grown ups (which got me absolutely fucking nowhere in life).

    I was the ultimate goody two-shoes poster child but still wasn’t good enough for my parents or the adults around me.

  6. I was an exrovert until 11, then the ‘big school’ made me shy, gave me crippling social anxieties and it kinda stayed that way until I started working.

    As a kid I’d talk to strangers with my Grandad, make friends at every park, love meeting kids my age on holiday.

  7. Quiet, introverted, shy nerd. I was always anxious, socially awkward. I hated any kind of attention on me. I was an overachiever,I had an insane need to be the perfect child, and student. I never really had friends but all of my teachers loved me. I really liked to study. Got many awards and book at the end of every school year I still felt like I wasn’t enough I had to try harder.I went home first thing I did after eating was going to my room to study. I always minded my business. I couldn’t say no to anyone which had let me to be bullied and used for more than a decade

  8. My parents tell me that I was a very happy child. I don’t remember any of it.

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