Background: talking to one of my closest friends over text. We are very good friends but I have recently moved to another country for a year, so obviously the only contact I have with them is over text and the occasional phone call. Conversations are pretty good when we talk on a call, though I do feel like I have to lead the conversation quite a lot.

But over text, which is usually a couple texts back and forth per hour while we’re both at work, it is awful. I’m constantly asking questions, (what are you doing at work, how is the gym going, plans for later etc.) and all I get in response is an answer to said question and then nothing until I ask another question. Obviously my first thought is that they simply don’t want to talk, but I have asked that specifically before and was told that they do want to talk. Also, surely they would simply not open / reply to my texts if that was the case.
I just simply can’t get my head around wanting to talk to someone, but not having the thought / care to ask a question. It got so bad recently that I started counting, and in one day I tried to get a conversation startee with no less than 12 questions, with them asking exactly 0.

Typing this all out makes it sound worse than it is, but I’m just wondering how to approach bringing this up because it is genuinely starting to bother me.

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