I am an average teenager, and usually am fairly mature, or atleast I believe myself to be so. I have savings, make informed choices and have a decent emotional intelligence as well.
I always critically asses things like tends before making economic decisions as well.
I’m also an engineering student, so I’m used to logical thinking too.

But whenever It comes to women, I find It hard to express myself properly, rather turn into an asslicker that always tries to please the other party obsessively.

Even now I’m thinking of all the witty things I can say tomorrow morning when I talk to this girl.
This doesn’t happen with female friends and other acquaintances

I often find myself not focusing on other things and preparing to sacrifice time for myself and friends for this random new person that I’m merely attracted to.

I find myself compulsively act careful and nice towards them , even when I wouldn’t usually.

And there’s this ineffable, almost intangible thing that happens like im only half breathing when I don’t have this person’s attention or presence.
I had a few decent relationships end due to this as well.

I don’t go out of my way to be creepy but Id like randomly make bake for them or cook them lunch, which is very wierd.

Anyone know what’s exactly happening and why I’m feeling this and how I can improve or tackle this?

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