So I met a guy 30M and I’m a 25F a few weeks ago. We have been on 2 dates so far. First was dinner and drinks what went for about 6 hours. We had a really good time. I tried to flirt abit and touch his arm, etc. At the end of the date my good friend ran into us so we couldn’t kiss. Second date was a beach date. We sat and talked for a few hours, I am starting to feel more at ease in his presence. But again, he walked me back to my car and no kiss.
I’m trying to give him signs that I want to kiss him. I understand sometimes people aren’t comfortable straight away.
On the second date he was planning our third which is now coming up next week. (He’s gone overseas for the time being) He said wanted to make more of a night of it so it seems like it’s going to go for abit longer.
He texted me saying he’s really looking forward to seeing me again. He told me to pick a show I want to see and send him the link so he can buy the tickets and that he will also plan our dinner.
I’m just abit thrown why he hasn’t kissed me? Is he actually just not that into me? I like a man to take the lead and I don’t want to overstep his boundaries either so I was hoping he would make the move…

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