Me (26F) and my husband (29M) together almost 3 years. We’ve been fighting this weekend so emotions were already running high.

TL/DR: Husband gave Wife a drink mixed with something he knows she actively avoids and then got mad when she got upset.

I have a severe aversion to sweet/sour lemon due to trauma associated with the flavor as a child.

I’ve tried to get over it but I can’t. The taste makes me physically ill and causes me to go into fight/flight mode. (Yeah I know it’s dumb but I’ve talked to a therapist about it. They just told me to avoid the stuff)

I share this with anyone I’m close to, because I don’t want anyone to accidentally serve me something that’ll make me sick and ruin my day.

Fast forward to today. My husband walked over and handed me a mysterious drink in a opaque cup. I asked him what it was, and he said “just drink it”. So, I did.

I immediately knew something was off but I couldn’t place it. All I knew is that the drink was nasty and it made me uncomfortable to taste it. Then I realized what it was; lemonade. (Lemonade has a weird texture to it, and that’s what I recognized)

He had mixed blackberry crown with lemonade, and gave it to me. Even after I asked him what it was, he didnt say anything until after I took a drink and had a negative reaction. Then he said “Yeah but you couldn’t taste the lemon”

I kinda lost my sh*t. Then he got mad at me for “overreacting”. I tried asking why he thought that it was okay to give me something that he KNEW I actively avoided and he just told me to “calm down” and ignored the question.

I genuinely don’t know what to do here. I don’t think he was being malicious, but he knows I’ve had issues in the past with people sneaking things in my food/drinks in order to “disprove” the issue or to make fun of my reaction.

What the hell do I do now? I feel like my trust has been completely violated.

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