Am I reading too much into this?

My husband and I (age 27,29 M and F) just had a baby and don’t live in a very good neighborhood so I installed a camera pointing to our door and windows. I told my husband and showed him where it is so l’m not hiding anything.

I’m in Utah with our baby visiting family (he couldn’t get the days off) and I pulled up the camera to check the battery life since my dogs are home alone and noticed the lens wasn’t showing anything. When I pull up the events it shows my husband turning the camera around so nothing can be seen.

I’m dealing with ppd being only 3 months since having my baby so my mind is all over the place trying to understand why he would do this.. am I over thinking this?

**TL;DR; : Is it suspicious for my husband to turn a camera view off when I’m out of town?**

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