My fiance and I have been fighting for months. She quit her job in November and suddenly all the financial responsibility fell on my shoulders; however, conveniently she also recieved $25,000 of inheritance money that same month. She bought me a hair transplant, then took a 21 day cruise out of the country in January where she gambled away all of the money I put in the joint account for rent which almost caused us to get evicted. I had to take out over $1000 cash advance on my credit card. She made several new friends during the cruise and apparently 1 of them lives 30 mins away.

Today I learned shes been seeing this friend several times a week. I first started suspecting something when her normal trips to get weed started taking 2 or 3 additional hours each time. Then I noticed she started hiding her location when she did this (we both share our location and have done this for a long time as a mutual trust thing since we moved 12 hours away from family together). Then her car broke down and I started challenging my car being taken for 5-6-7 hours every time she borrowed it and she started accusing me of being controlling. A week ago she told me she wanted to cancel the wedding. Tonight she took the car again and has not returned. Shes obviously staying the night over there.

Frankly I feel I’ve been replaced. Our 7 year relationship gone poof. Just like that. I just done know how to cope.

tl;dr I’m hurting and could just use some pep up. This relationship is almost definitely over. How can I recover from this humongous set back?

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